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Dual Enrollment

Dual enrollment registration is open!  Students interested in enrolling in a dual enrollment course should stop by the guidance office for more information.

Penn State Beaver
Clarion University (online courses)
Geneva College

What is Dual Enrollment?
  • Dual Enrollment is when a high school student is enrolled in college classes while still in high school. We currently have agreements with several local institutions - Penn State Beaver, CCBC, Geneva & Clarion.
 What are some of the benefits of Dual Enrollment?
  • You can earn college credits while still in high school: Save time & money!!
  • You experience college academics & expectations: It is an excellent way to prepare for your freshman year!
  • You can improve your admissions profile when applying to college.
 Who is eligible for Dual Enrollment?
  • Juniors & Seniors. Each college or university has their own admission criteria for dual enrollment students. 
How much does Dual Enrollment cost?
  • Penn State Beaver offers all students taking a Dual Enrollment course at least 50% grant-in-aid. So, Penn State courses can be taken at most 50% of Penn State's current tuition rate. (plus nominal fees and cost of textbooks).
  • Clarion University dual enrollment is $300 per 3-credit course plus a one-time $30 record fee. (cost of textbook is additional). Click here for an information page on Clarion's dual enrollment program.
  • CCBC tuition is approximately $175 per credit.
  • Geneva tuition is approximately $198 per credit. 
  • Fee Waivers may be available, talk to your counselor.  
How do you become a “dual enrolled” student?
  • Stop by the guidance office to register.
  • Registration will occur the semester prior to classes starting. 
CCBC requires students to complete a placement exam, unless they have taken the SAT with a score of at least in 450 on each section or ACT with a score of at least 19 reading, 18 English, and 22 Math. The placement exam is free and only takes 1/2 -1 hour to complete.

Depending on the course, Penn State Beaver also may require a placement test.