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The PA Department of Education requires Career Planning and Portfolios for every graduating student under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Students will graduate with at least 8 artifacts in their portfolios from interest inventories, to resumes, financial awareness and post-secondary planning.

There are benchmark years in which certain grades need to have their pieces of evidence completed to help keep them on track.  Blackhawk School District has opted to use an online tracking site known as Smart Futures. This online career portfolio allows student access both in school and at home. 

At the high school level, students are required to complete the eight activities or artifacts.

Also, you can earn artifacts by adding to your portfolio. For example: College and Career Fair Artifact - go to My Portfolio, click on add under the Career Pathway Experiences section, and then select the Career Fair option and fill out the required information.
Here are the instructions on how student's log into Smart Futures via Clever:
· To login to Clever, use the login dropdown in the top right corner of the site and select "Sign in as a Student"
· On the next screen, type in Blackhawk and select our school district. If you are already signed into your school account on the device you are using, you might automatically be logged into Clever. If not, you will log into Clever using your school email username and password.
· Once logged into Clever, you should see the Smart Futures App. Clicking on the app should take you to Smart Futures' website.
If you need help, please email or see your counselor.
Thank you,
BHS Counselors

Career Exploration Links

Career Compass

O*NET Online
Career Exploration Tools, a set of valuable assessment instruments for students looking to find career information. (Developed under the sponsorship of the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration)
My Next Move
An interactive tool for students to learn more about career options. The site has tasks, skills, salary information, and more for over 900 different careers. Users can search the site 3 different ways: 1. Keyword search 2. Browsing industries that employ different types of worker 3. Completing the O*NET Interest Profiler, a tool that offers personalized career suggestions based on a person's interests and level of work experience.
Explore nearly 1000 occupations and careers, take a career assessment, and search the fastest growing careers. (Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor)
How to become a _________
A career exploration site that offers information on hundreds of career fields and the requirements to pursue a career in a desired field. Site includes job descriptions, educational requirements, and salary information.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Indepth information on a variety of occupation groups. Includes details on the nature of the industry, working conditions, employment, occupations in the industry, training and advancement, earnings and benefits, and employment outlook.

Post Secondary Research

Big Future (sponsored by CollegeBoard)
Here you can research colleges, explore careers, find information on paying for college. Create an account (or use your current CollegeBoard account) to save your research.
College Navigator (National Center for Education Statistics)
Search college statistics such as programs offered, admission and retention rates, degrees conferred, and much more.
Builder's Guild of Western PA
Joint Apprenticeship Training Programs offered by the region’s 16 construction trade unions. All programs have no tuition cost and are paid apprentice positions.
Program brochure: 
You Visit- Virtual Campus Tours
Virtual Tours of college campus offering an animated tour guide, videos, 360° pictures, and more
Discover and explore colleges and universities! 

Education Planner
Education Planner is your one-stop career and college planning website.