
School District

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Driver Education is a one-semester course that meets alternating days of the week. Emphasis is on promoting proper driving attitudes, understanding Pennsylvania driving laws and regulations, DUI laws, and driving maneuvers. Assistance is provided in securing a driver's permit and license.

This class is a pre-requisite for In-the-Car Driving, which is available to students during study halls.


  • A permit or license is required for In-the-Car Driving.

  • There is a $50 fee for In-the-Car Driving.  You will be contacted when you need to pay the fee.

  • Sign-up is available on-line only.   Click on the link on the right side of this window to sign-up.

  • Students will be contacted and provided the necessary paperwork when a spot becomes available.

  • The $50 fee should be paid in the high school office after you are contacted by the instructor and given the necessary paperwork to begin driving.

  • Checks should be made payable to Blackhawk High School.

  • The Road Skills Test can be taken at the high school after In-the-Car Driving has been successfully completed.


 Students must successfully complete both Driver Education Theory and In-the-Car Driving to qualify for an insurance discount and receive a senior license at age 17 1/2. 

***Please Note - You MUST be logged into your School Account to access and complete the sign-up sheets!