
School District

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Mr. Simon's Class

Computer class runs on an 8-day, 30-minute rotation.  

Our youngest learners in kindergarten are introduced to online safety lessons before engaging with their school-issued iPads via Common Sense Media.  From there, they are taught how to use standard apps like Notes and Safari for our school website.  Scratch Jr. is then introduced to give them experience coding.

Once students reach 1st grade, they are introduced to the personal computers, what input devices like mouse, keyboard, and monitor mean and how to properly engage with each. By beginning with these foundational skills, they are then presented with basic Internet-based learning activities to practice how to use the mouse and then keyboard in a more functional manner.

By the time students reach 2nd grade, we begin modeling typing practices via the Home Row keys.  Additionally, they will have the opportunity to create via different word processing applications.  We also make time for experiences in coding to continue connecting back to foundational skills from their time in kindergarten.
